Celtic Reiki
What is it?
Celtic Reiki is an energy healing modality that combines tree and earth energy with the use of ancient Ogham symbols with Universal Life force energy to provide a nurturing and grounding experience. It is channeled through Celtic Reiki practitioners to the intended recipient and can do no harm.
I am often asked the difference between Usui Reiki and Celtic Reiki. They are as different as apples and bananas. Both are fruit but each has it’s own look, feel and taste. The same is true of Usui and Celtic Reiki. Both are forms of Reiki and yet each have their own unique symbols, attunements and energetic feel.
They work well together and on their own.
One does not need any prior Reiki (Usui or other) knowledge or experience to take a Celtic Reiki certification.
Experience Celtic Reiki for yourself.

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Feel deeply connected to nature?
Do the trees feel like home to you?
Ready to unlock and reconnect with your inner magic?
Roots N Records
1 hr | $222
Celtic Reiki Level 1 Certification
1 hr | $297